
Showing posts from March, 2013

Being Esther :)

“ And who knows but that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this ?” What is our God-given mission?Have we thought of it anytime!What is it that God wants you or me to do that we’re not so comfortable doing?If we do it we could be ridiculed or persecuted.Do we have the courage to do such things? We might feel some embarrassment or we might feel it as a shame.We might find ourselves going against the flow, losing family or friends, fame , health, love or even life. We need the courage to do god given missions.These God-given missions don’t necessarily have to be life and death.They may just be opportunities to help others out with some self-sacrifice.Are we ready to sacrifice ourselves to help anyone?often it is a No. Queen Esther teaches us about a God-driven submission.Esther is a great example of a courageous woman in bible..Esther was an orphan who was exalted by god. she saved   the jews by her courage and boldness. When her cousin, Mordecai asked for...

losing a blog

It was one of the most saddest days to me. And i blame myself for that. My blog got deleted due to my carelessness. It was my blog since 4 yearss and it was a real loss to me. Noone of the datas were saved! :( Anyways i hope bad things happens for better things to happen...And i didnt have the mind to start a new one.I was feeling bad due to my old blog's loss and a bit lazy.But recently started rethinking and here goes my new blog.  :)